Friday, August 13, 2010

Video: Karl Malone is now in the Hall of Fame

 We pretty much knew Karl Malone was going into the Hall of Fame the minute he was eligible. Heck, he, himself, knew he was going to get into the NBA Hall of Fame when he was eligible.

But that didn't stop that rough-nosed, thick-skinned, soft-hearted "Mailman" from delivering a well-executed speech. Check it out:

That's powerful stuff. This kind of makes Michael Jordan's speech look arrogant and rude. (Oh, wait.)

And while we knew Karl Malone was a big softy, we never thought he'd almost bring viewers to tears. That includes me, people.

It makes you feel bad for him, but also kind of good at the same time. Bad that he never won a title, despite being ridiculously close. And good because he got into the most prestigious club in basketball, while getting to thank his mom in front of millions.

I don't know about Karl, but that's good enough for me. Boy, if only Scottie Pippen, the guy who helped prevent Malone from getting a title, wasn't getting inducted the same day.

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