Saturday, August 14, 2010

The NBA Hall of Fame: What Jordan and Pippen were really saying

The Hall of Fame was pretty fun to watch last night. We saw a ridiculously emotional Karl Malone, who delivered one of the most heart-felt speeches for an NBA Hall of Fame inductee player. We also saw Scottie Pippen basically read his script out loud. Who gave him that script, anyway?

Well, I think I have a good idea as to who wrote the speech for him. Let's take a look at this picture:

Well, this is pretty tell-all, don't you think? Here's what the dialogue would have been if they were to speak their minds:

Scottie: "And Michael Jordan is probably the best thing to happen to me."
Jordan: That's right, Scottie. Just like I wrote it. I own you.
Scottie: "And I'd like to thank my family..."
Jordan: Are you forgetting someone, Scottie? Maybe the person who made you?
Scottie: And of course, Michael Jordan.
Jordan: Atta' boy, Scottie.

Yep, that sounds like what the dialogue could have been, alright. Poor Scottie Pippen. Not only does he need to suck up to Jordan because he wouldn't be in the Hall of Fame without him, but he also has to throw in some advertisement plug-ins into his speech, when he addressed being part of the Nike family.

Oh well. At least he's in.

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