You’d think an 11-time All-Star, 3-time NBA scoring champion, and former league MVP would have teams lined up to sign him when he became a free agent.
Turns out, there’s no team interested in Allen “The Answer” Iverson.
Well, that kind of sucks. I agree that A.I. has a style of play that’s tough to work around. And sure, he’s got a bit of a fiery attitude. But he’s Allen Iverson, for goodness’ sakes.
Now, I don’t think the dude deserves a huge contract. I don’t even think he deserves a contract longer than a year, or more expensive than the veteran’s minimum. Just give this guy a chance to end his career correctly.
You know, if he goes out, let him go out in flames. If Shaq deserves a huge retirement bash when he leaves, so does Allen Iverson.
Teams should be pining for Iverson, regardless of his history the past two years. He’s already gone out on a limb and stated he’d be willing to “help a team win a championship in anyway possible.” Come on, people. The guy’s begging, for Pete’s sake.
And there are quite a few teams that would be perfect for him. The Orlando Magic, specifically, could use him. If he’s anywhere near as good a scorer as he was in his prime, the instant offense he’d bring off the bench would probably be enough to push them into major-championship-contender status, rather than just championship-contender status. The word “major,” means a lot in this phrase.
He isn’t going to the Hall of Fame for nothing. And if he doesn’t get into the Basketball Hall of Fame, then neither should Shaq. And we all know Shaq’s getting in.
Allen Iverson revolutionized the NBA when he was carrying a bunch of nobodies on his back to the NBA Finals in 2001. He re-invented the cross-over, and brought new meaning to the term “breaking ankles.” And crossing Michael Jordan will do that.
To think he can no longer do something as small as contribute to bench-scoring is ridiculous. If Nate Robinson can do it, so can A.I.
He is the Answer, after all.
allen should be on the bench of lakers team up to beat heat